The all-purpose data tool for lean teams

For startups

Find insights in thousands of comments, reviews or survey responses. Learn what users want in a fraction of the time. Share your findings with your team, community, investors

great for analysing surveys, product feedback and user data

"I think I said 'wow' 4 times the last time I was using WhyHive. I love having the ability to clean data in seconds and create the visual that will show and tell the growth story to team and investors. This will be a go-to tool in our stack for Heatseeker.” 

Fiona Triaca
Co-founder & COO @ Heatseeker

fiona triaca headshot

Find & measure your customers’ top pain points

Use AI to measure the most common issues, complaints or themes across thousands of reviews, responses or comments. Segment by customer attributes

chart showing top customer-reported issues, made using the whyhive app

Just upload a CSV or Excel file. No database required

No dependency on the IT team. Go from upload to insight in a few clicks. Analyse 1,000 text responses in 5 minutes

diagram showing how CSV and Excel files can be uploaded to WhyHive

Analyse 10,000 rows of text in <25 minutes

Built for time-poor startup teams. Takes one to know one 🤷

diagram showing that it takes 25 minutes to analyse 10,000 rows in WhyHive

Secure & Private

Data stored in the US or Aus

Choose whether your data is stored in the United States or Australia.

Not used to train AI models

Data uploaded to WhyHive won’t be used to train third-party AI models like GPT.

Data kept private

We use AES-256 to encrypt data while it’s on our servers.

Book a 1:1 demo

Speak to a founder and see the product in action.

three charts from whyhive